Gayton Class 3, Mr Mcloughlin
What's going on?
Welcome back, Class 3!
I hope you all had a wonderful break and are ready for an exciting term ahead. It's lovely seeing everyone again.
We have lots of fun things planned for this term which are outlined in more detail in the class newsletter. The children will begin our History topic, which is all about The Vikings, in particular, trying to answer whether they were traders, raiders or something else?
In addition to this, we will be completing a Science unit on 'Mixtures and Separation,' where they will be sieving, filtering and dissolving. Our RE unit is considering the question, how does religion help us on good and bad times.
Our value this half-term links with our Harvest Celebration - Generosity. We look forward to celebrating with you at St Mary's Church.
Further details about the whole of our curriculum can be found on our attached newsletter.
We should all have a pretty full, fun-packed term which includes visiting Salcey Forest on Mondays, Swimming on Tuesdays and sports sessions with Rhino on Thursday afternoons!
We cannot wait to share with you what we get up to!
Be sure to keep up to date with ClassDojo in order to see what's going on in class.
Thank you for your continued support. It is very much appreciated.
As always, if you have any questions or queries about your child’s learning or well-being, please either pop in and see me or send me a message.
Kind Regards,
Mr McLoughlin