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CE Primary School

Whittlebury Class 1, Miss Moriarty

Welcome to Class One

Dear Parents,

I am so happy to welcome you and your child into Class One this year. I  am excited about the learning environment and the things we have planned this term and across the course of the year.

Our PE Days will vary depending on the weather, so please keep your PE kits in school all term.  We will be working on our own personal co-ordination and balance skills.  

All children will be given two reading books in the following weeks. One will be a coloured-banded book, which will give the children a varied diet of genres. The other will be a phonics decodable book which can be used to consolidate any phonics reading. Reading at home is of the utmost importance to a child’s learning. Reading is their gateway to all learning and therefore, listening to your child reading regularly where possible is something we ask and are grateful for.

The Curriculum overview for the term is attached below so that you can see what we have planned. Please do catch me at the door or ask if you have any questions or queries.

Miss Moriarty