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Yardley Gobion

CE Primary School

Class 1

Welcome to Class One!

Dear Parents,

We are so happy to welcome you and your child into Class One this year. Mrs Getter, Mrs Long and myself are very excited about our learning environment and all of the learning we have planned for this term and the across the year.

Our set PE Day is on a Tuesday. Our other PE lesson is not set, therefore please could children bring their PE into school and leave it in their locker.

All children are given two reading books. One of which will be a coloured book-banded book, which will give children a varied diet of genres. The other will be a phonics decodable text, which can be used to consolidate children’s phonics learning. Reading at home is the of the upmost importance and is a gateway to all learning across the curriculum, therefore we ask that you listen to your child read as often as possible.

In English this term we are writing cumulative texts, focussing on ‘Room on a Broom’. Some examples of cumulative texts that you can read at home with your child are ‘The Elephant and the Bad Baby’, ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’. It would be helpful if you highlighted that these stories repeat and build as they go through.

In History lessons we will be looking at toys from the past. If you have any vintage toys or know anyone that would like to speak to the children, we would be very interested so please do let us know.

The Curriculum overview for the term is attached so that you can see what we have planned. Please do catch me on the door or ask if you have any questions or queries.

Looking forward to seeing you and sharing your child’s learning this year.

Mrs Emma Parker