Stoke Bruerne, Class 1
Welcome back Class 1!
Welcome back to our second Autumn term, I hope you had a wonderful half term. It’s so good to see all your lovey smiles again!
We have an exciting term ahead of us filled with fun learning which is outlined in more detail in the class newsletter and we also have a fabulous Christmas show, which we are all looking forward to.
We will be continuing to finish off our non-chronological reports on Owls. We will then move on to look at journey tales where we will be looking very closely at the structure. We will continue with our daily phonics lessons and explore spelling and grammar. Please continue reading books and sight words at home to consolidate our learning in class. It is important that all book folders are in school every day please.
In maths this term, EYFS children will be exploring number and pattern: composition of numbers, 2D shapes and positional language. Year 1 children will become familiar with positional and directional language, place value to 20 along with addition and subtraction within 20. Whilst in Year 2 we will progress to multiplication and division of 2, 5 and 10, along with measuring length and mass. To help with mental agility, please ask quick fire questions to help with your children’s number bond knowledge.
Our science unit this term is focused on everyday materials. We will be learning to name and identify the material objects are made from and understand that materials are chosen for specific purposes.
Our value this half-term is 'Compassion.' We will continue to enjoy our daily collective worship based around this value as well as covering work related to this in class.
The curriculum overview is attached and details the learning taking place in each subject. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate in contacting us, either at the beginning of the day of at the end when you pick your child up. Alternatively, you can email the school office to request an appointment.
We should all have a pretty full, fun-packed term which includes P.E. with Rhino Sports every Friday morning. On Monday mornings we will have the Towcestrians come into school to teach the children tag rugby. Please ensure that your child’s P.E. kit is in school on these days and clearly labelled with their names.
Thank you for your continued support. It is very much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Miss Donald and Mr Webb