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Stoke Bruerne

CE Primary School

Stoke Bruerne, Class 1


Welcome back to Class 1! 

Welcome back to our first summer term, it’s so good to see all your happy smiles after the Easter break! The summer terms are exciting as we look to extend our learning outside, taking advantage of the warmer weather.  

We have an exciting term ahead of us filled with fun learning which is outlined in more detail in the curriculum overview newsletter! 

In English, we will be exploring an example of a meeting tale: Sidney the Spider.  

Reception will continue their work on building simple sentences, using their phonic knowledge as well as learning short poems by heart.   

Year 1 will look at story structure (opening and ending).  

Year 2 will be exploring settings, descriptive language and building atmosphere. 

We will continue with our daily phonic and reading lessons.  

Please make sure your child's reading book is in school each day. 

​Throughout the term we will be​ looking at the following areas of mathematics: ​ 

EYFS –  

Counting forwards and backwards, counting on from different numbers and doubling.  

Year 1 –  

Continue with word problems 

Multiplication, division and fractions  

Year 2 –  

Continue with word problems, money, 2d and 3d shapes and starting the unit on fractions. 

Within our science lessons, we will explore living things and their habitats. Children will consider life processes that all living things have in common. They will classify objects into alive, once alive or has never been alive. They will name plants and animals in a range of habitats and recognise how living things depend on each other.  They will create food chains to show the sequence that living things eat each other. 

The curriculum overview is attached and details the learning taking place in each subject. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate in contacting us, either at the beginning of the day of at the end when you pick your child up. Alternatively, you can email the school office to request an appointment. 

During this term we will also have our forest school sessions. 
Please send your child to school wearing their forest school kit (long trousers, t-shirts, jumpers, coats). 
 In two separate bags, please send wellington boots and the children's school uniform as well. I would also ask that children are provided with a freshwater bottle that they can take with them as we will not be able to access water out of school. As the weather progressively gets warmer, please ensure that your child has suncream applied liberally at the beginning of each day.  
Please ensure all belongings are labelled with your child's name. 

We should all have a pretty full, fun-packed term which includes starting work with Rhino Sports every Wednesday afternoon practising fun sports day activities which will include developing, their fundamental ball skills such as throwing, catching, rolling and dribbling with both hands and feet. They will look to perform these skills with increasing control and accuracy using co-ordination and balance.

Thank you for your continued support. It is very much appreciated. 

Kind regards, 

Miss Donald, Mr Webb and Miss Mattie