Tiffield CLASS 1
A very warm welcome to Class One!
We are very excited to be back at school and can't wait to get started with our learning.
PE Days this year will be Mondays and Thursdays.
Our classroom is set up ready for the children to explore their own learning and get started with their COOL jobs. And we are ready to begin our place value units in Maths, giving us a super foundation for the year ahead.
In English, we will be looking at a Wishing Tale - Owl Babies. If you have this book or have the opportunity to read this to or with the children it would be very beneficial. We will be looking particularly at retelling stories, time connectives (such as first, next, after that) and the importance of capital letters and full stops.
The rest of our curriculum learning can be seen in the attached curriculum overview.
The children will all have 2 reading books coming home - a phonics book and a reading colour-band book. It is hugely important that children practice their reading at home regularly. Reading unlocks all learning and is so crucial to all subjects.
Show and Tell is held every day and the children are given turns on a rota. When it is your child's turn they can bring in an item to show or tell the class something they have done. This is great for oracy, questioning and listening skills.
Class fruit is provided as a rolling snack throughout the day, however you are welcome to send in a healthy snack for morning break time.
Please remember to send in water bottles and book bags daily. PE kits will all be sent home at the end of every half term.
We can't wait to get started by looking at our own family history, making windmills and finding out more about owls ready to write a report later in the term.
Do remember to check out Class Dojo for reminders, messages and pictures of what we have all been doing!