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Forest CE


Policies and Reports

Tiffield Siams September 2023 achieved the 'Excellence award 'from the Bishop 

Tiffield’ s inclusive Christian vision profoundly underpins all aspects of school life. The vision is fully embedded within the school community and treasured by all’.

‘The Christian vision impacts positively upon the curriculum and wider provision. As a result, adults and pupils are empowered to be aspirational, fulfil their potential and flourish’.

‘Pupils carry out a range of responsibilities diligently. They are clear that they make a difference to the life of the school and beyond’.

(September 2023 )


Stoke Bruerne- SIAMS November 2023 achieved the' Excellence' award from the Bishop 

The vision and values are infused into the life of the school, driving all actions and decisions. Staff, pupils and their families articulate the transformational impact that this has had on their lives."

 Staff are dedicated and united in their belief in every pupil and in wanting them to flourish."

" Pupils are courageous in their determination to change their world for the better. The adults in the school support them to speak out and take action to challenge injustice."

"The school’s inclusive approach, shaped by the vision, is acknowledged as extremely welcoming."


Whittlebury achieved 'Excellence' in SIAMS inspection in February 2023 

 Leaders and pupils are unswerving in their commitment to love and encourage one another in the pursuit of flourishing. The embrace of the small school community, in which each member is personally known and celebrated, has led to a transformative culture of aspiration."

"Pupils describe how the ‘five Cs’: Christian, community, creative, curiosity and confidence, are the very foundation of their curriculum experience. As a result, this has instilled deep levels of self-belief and curiosity where they are ‘always wanting to explore more."

" All pupils flourish in RE due to high levels of challenge and personalised support."

( February 2023)

Gayton achieved 'Excellence' in SIAMS  Inspection in September 2022

'The school’s distinctive Christian vision that ‘All things are possible’ is the heartbeat and driving force of all action and policy. Leaders have built a school culture which supports, nurtures and empowers, ensuring all flourish. This is indeed a place where watching over one another in love is normal.'

'Leaders’ visionary aspiration to’ inspire’ is evident, fostering self-confidence, creativity, curiosity and embraces and encourages wonder'

The school’s life affirming and life enhancing community is built on the bedrock of the Christian vision. All flourish and many speak of supportive care that is transformational.

Collective worship is inclusive, invitational and inspirational; it is dynamic, exciting, biblical and life instructing.

(September 2022)


Yardley Gobion achieved Good in SIAMS inspection in  January 2020

'The school curriculum is designed around the school’s Christian vision to give everyone opportunity to shine with God’s help. It ensures pupils experience a wide variety of engaging experiences. Highly personalised approaches to learning ensure that pupils make progress at least in line with national averages.' 

'Relationships at all levels are a strength of the school. The school’s Christian vision supports all to recognise and celebrate difference. It also supports positive learning attitudes such as perseverance and resilience.'

'Joyful, uplifting collective worship is underpinned by the school’s Christian vision. Pupils take a considerable lead in the development of worship. Spaces for quiet personal prayer and reflection need further development.'