PE & Sport
PE is taught to develop pupils’ physical competence and confidence and their ability to perform in a range of activities including games, gymnastics, dance, athletics, swimming, and outdoor and adventurous activities. Children are taught to play cooperatively and fairly, fostering good sporting behaviour. We participate in a number of sporting events during the school year and our annual Federation Sports’ Day. All children from Reception to Year 6 have the opportunity to attend termly swimming lessons.
The PE and Sport curriculum at the Forest CE Federation develops the enjoyment of physical activity and strives to improve the importance of health and wellbeing. Our intention is to give children the opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding and apply these in competitive situations, with the vision this provides them with lifelong learning skills. Children are helped to acquire the skills needed to participate with confidence and enjoyment in a range of individual team activities at school and in the wider community, and to appreciate the place of regular exercise as a way of keeping fit. We ensure that all our pupils receive a well-rounded learning experience when participating in different sporting activities, engaging them in a range of sports to develop a passion for being active, healthy and the confident, and to try new things and build resilience and determination with all they do.
We use the Real PE Scheme which is a child-centred approach to PE which challenges and engages every child. As part of Real PE we also use Jasmine, a digital resource. Our children take part in a daily mile to keep them fit and active.
We run many extra curricular sporting clubs which are well attended and enjoyed by all the children. We regularly instruct Northampton Saints Rugby along with providers who deliver gymnastics, dance and boxercise.