VIP Assemblies & Awards
VIP Assemblies
Every month each class teacher chooses at least one child from each year group to be 'Pupil of the Month.'
A Golden Ticket is posted to the child’s home to surprise the child with their family inviting them and their family to our celebration assembly.
During the assembly the 'VIP' walks down the red carpet accompanied by disco lights with the rest of the school clapping and cheering them. A special message is read out to them from their class teacher which they proudly take home. The VIP also wears a special medal and displays a small cup medal on their desk for the month.
Golden Tickets are linked to efforts and achievements in learning at school or home.
Class DoJo
As a school we use Class Dojo as a means to reward behaviour and communicate with parents.
Class Dojo has many benefits to your child as a behaviour system. I know that often in schools, you do not see how wonderful your child is every day and it can sometimes feel like the only time a teacher wants to communicate with you is when the children have done something wrong. Class Dojo is the opposite of that! Yes it notifies you if your child has had to have a reminder but it also ensures that you are notified whenever your child show the amazing qualities that they possess: Random Acts of Kindness, Respectfulness, Full marks on their Spellings but to name a few.
Additionally, it offers a really easy way of communicating with school. The Class Story offers a window into your child’s education and celebrates and shares the excellent teaching and learning that takes place at Whittlebury. It is completely secure and only the parents of the children in that class can see. It also offers a private communication system whereby you can contact any member of staff through a message only you and they can see. I know that at the end of the day it can often be hard to get hold of a teacher because of the number of parents and children that there are but a message is quick to send and can often stop parents, children and teachers worrying overnight if they haven’t been able to catch each other at the end of the day.
Star Award of the Week
Every week a pupil from each class is awarded the 'Star of the Week'. This is awarded for their attitude to learning and is celebrated in assembly.