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Yardley Gobion

CE Primary School


Our school uniform is a blue v-neck jumper or cardigan with black or grey trousers or skirt. Children in Years 5 and 6 must wear a striped school tie, children in other years have the option of wearing a tie if they wish to. Children must wear suitable black shoes with plimsolls or trainers for PE. Girls have the option to wear a pinafore type black dress and checked green summer dress.

All uniform can be ordered through School Uniform Direct. Please select the link below to place an order. Uniform can be delivered direct to school free of charge or if you wish delivered to your home address where there will be a postage fee applicable.

Jewellery should be kept to a minimum. If your child has their ears pierced please ensure they can remove their own earrings for PE sessions. 

Please see below our Uniform Policy which outlines our commitment to parents to ensure we keep costs at a minimum and what help and support we offer to parents.