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Yardley Gobion

CE Primary School

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3 page for the 2024-2025 academic year! 

As always, we're thrilled to have your children back in our class for the new year; ready to create new memories and embark on another year of learning and growth. We have so many exciting plans for this term, and we can't wait to share them with you! 

Our class newsletter, which you can find below, contains all the details about what we will be learning this term. We encourage you to take a look at it to stay informed about our topics and the children's learning. We have also added some of the curriculum highlights for this term below as well:


In Maths this term, we will be developing our Place Value knowledge before we progress to build upon our existing numeracy skills through learning to add and subtract numbers up to 1,000 (for Year 3) or 10,000 (for Year 4). Children will have many opportunities to practice and revise their application of the four operations throughout the Autumn term, utilising both concrete resources (such as the use of diennes, place value counters, multi-link, etc.) in every session as well as teaching and guiding pupils to use formal written methods (column addition & subtraction, number bonds, etc.)  


In Literacy this term, we are focusing in on building an atmosphere within our writing using vivid descriptions. We will be using our imagination to create enchanting, mystical and compelling imaginary worlds. To achieve this, we will be examining several writerly and grammatical tools, such as using expanded noun phrases, forming descriptive lists using commas and beginning to more regularly use semicolons, in order to use description more effectively. Using a model text alongside opportunities for text-mapping, discussion, and shared writing, pupils will examine an author's toolkit and develop more confidence in using a wider range of writing techniques throughout the unit.   


In Science, we will be focusing on the topic of 'Movement and Nutrition'. Children will learn about the role of the skeleton; recognising and labelling some of the key bones in the human body. They will also explore how muscles and joints are used for movement, making a model hand to exemplify this. Alongside this, children will also explore nutrition by researching how food functions as an energy source through examining different nutrient groups and the benefits of having a balanced diet.   

Humanities (History/Geography, PSHE, and RE)

In History, we will be working towards answering our key question this term, 'Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age?' To develop their understanding of Prehistoric Britain, children will deepen their chronological awareness, learning when prehistoric man lived, investigating what Skara Brae and the Amesbury Archer tell us about life in the past as well as looking at the theme of continuity and change through investigating how the discoveries of bronze and development of trade impacted the lives of those in the past over time.

In PSHE this term, we will be focusing on the theme of Families and Relationships. Children will be learning how to resolve problems, the impact of bullying, stereotypes and how to create, respect, and uphold personal boundaries.

This term in RE, children will be learning about how and why people show their commitment during the journey of life. They will explore the different ideas religions have surrounding commitment to their faith as well as identify the ways in which people show commitment

Once again, we want to express our gratitude for your continued support. The partnership between home and school is crucial for your child's success, and we truly appreciate your involvement in their education journey.

If you should ever have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We believe in open communication and working together to ensure the best experience for your children. 

Let's make this academic year a memorable and enriching one for Class 3! Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of teaching your children.

Warmest regards, 

Mrs Bennington & Mrs Penn